Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia

St Andrews Flag
Anglican Church Of Canada Crest And Title

A community of faith since 1794.

Our Mission Statement:

The Church of St. Andrew desires to be a church where you and your family come to pray, where you will worship among a warm and welcoming people.

A church where you will grow spiritually; and where you and your family will have access to sound Christian learning, while finding value from our history and tradition.

We strive to be a church where community needs are met and fulfilled, where groups needing a gathering place find a warm welcome.

A church that cherishes the diversity of humanity, including differences in sex, age, race, ethnicity, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, education and political perspective. And that these beliefs inform our practices, ministries and decisions throughout the parish.

It is our prayer that we are a church that witnesses the love of Jesus Christ.

We Celebrate the Life of
Jacqueline Ann Russell

Jacqueline Ann Russell

Quick Links and Handy Information

Join our regular Sunday 10:30am worship service from home — or anywhere!

View or download a copy of this week’s parish bulletin.

Drawn Church Image Trans Bg
All are welcome here.
Be Still And Know

Lent Program

Rev. Nic has had to cancel this event today, Wednesday, March 6. The program will resume next week.